MIA has multiple clinics for melanoma patients, covering the specialties of surgery, medical oncology, radiation oncology, pathology and dermatology. Appointments are by clinician referral only.
Sign up to our education portal for the latest information about our world leading clinical research, clinical trials, treatment options and awareness.
The Federal Government committed to provide $14.8 million to support 35 Full Time Equivalent (FTE) melanoma nurses by 2025-26 as part of the Melanoma Nurses Program.
Clinical trials help us find better ways to diagnose and treat melanoma. Most patients have the opportunity to participate in clinicals trials and
become part of our research effort, which will ultimately save all lives from melanoma.
A melanoma diagnosis can be a confusing and overwhelming time for patients and their families. That’s why we have created guides, brochures and a video to ensure your patients have all the information they need.