Patients who participate in our Clinical Trials play a vital role in our groundbreaking melanoma research.

In addition, every day, patients who attend Melanoma Institute Australia (MIA) and our partner organisations donate something incredibly special to our research: their tissue samples and clinical records. Without these generous donations to our Biospecimen Bank and Melanoma Research Database, we simply couldn’t do the ground-breaking research that we’re doing.
So all our patients deserve a heartfelt thank you for helping to make a difference to the lives of future melanoma patients.
Melanoma Research Database
MIA’s Research Database was established in the 1960s. Known as MRD2, it drives development of new clinical trials and treatment pathways, and supports national and international scientific collaboration and research projects. MRD2 contains the records of more than 50,000 patients and provides data for more than 80 research projects per year.
Biospecimen Bank
MIA’s Biospecimen Bank hosts the largest collection of melanoma samples in the world, with all MIA patients having the option of contributing samples. It is a collection of samples from body organs or fluids which are stored for current and future research purposes. This research is vital for improving the care of current and future patients with melanoma. If you agree to be a donor, we will take a small sample of tissue that is not required for pathology and store this in the Bank.
To find out more downlaod our Biospecimen Bank brochure