If you would like to fundraise for Melanoma Institute Australia, please complete the form below.

Please note you do not need to complete this form if you have set up a Fundraising Page on our Community Fundraising website.

If you have any questions please email Peta at Peta.Bradshaw@melanoma.org.au

Terms and Conditions

Under the Charitable Fundraising Act 1991, Melanoma Institute Australia (MIA) is legally required to authorise all community fundraising events/activities that are wishing to raise money for charitable purposes. Once your event/activity has been approved, MIA will issue you with a letter of authority to fundraise which states your legal authority to fundraise on our behalf. Please note all individuals, organisations, and groups must register with us before organising and holding their event/activity.

Please read these guidelines: Melanoma Institute Australia Fundraising Guidelines. Then confirm by ticking the box below and submitting your form.

I have read and understand the terms and conditions stated in the Melanoma Institute Australia Fundraising Guidelines under which any fundraising activities benefiting Melanoma Institute Australia (MIA) need to operate. I will endeavour to ensure that MIA representatives are informed of the development of any fundraising concepts and approve any promotional material or media releases citing MIA as the beneficiary. I understand my obligations with regards to sending the proceeds raised and other documentation to MIA within 7 days of the event/activity.

Tick box *