Professor Andrew Spillane
Surgical Oncologist
Andrew Spillane is Professor of Surgical Oncology at The University of Sydney, Northern Clinical School. He specialises in the surgical management of melanoma and breast cancer. Andrew is a senior VMO surgeon at the Mater North Sydney, Royal North Shore Hospital and North Shore Private Hospitals. Andrew is a Faculty Member of Melanoma Institute Australia (MIA) and chair of the Clinical Committee at MIA and a member of the Executive of the Australian and New Zealand Melanoma Trials Group (ANZMTG). He is immediate past President of Breast Surgeons of Australia and New Zealand Inc. (BreastSurgANZ), a member of the Breast Cancer Trials (formerly ANZBCTG) Scientific Advisory Committee and BCT Breast Surgery Craft Group Lead, as well as Breast sub-editor for the ANZ Journal of Surgery, skin oncology editorial board member of Annals of Surgical Oncology and the Journal of Surgical Oncology and founding co-director of the University of Sydney’s Graduate Certificate in Breast Surgery.
Andrew’s current research interests investigate issues around quality assurance in surgery, safe introduction of new surgical techniques and promoting clinical trial involvement by surgeons. He is heavily involved in clinical and translational research on aspects of melanoma and breast cancer. He is one of the leaders on the international primary melanoma width of margins study MelMART-2 that aims to determine the most appropriate surgical margins to maximise health outcomes whilst minimising morbidity. He is CIA for the EAGLE FM clinical trial, which aims to define the appropriate management of metastatic melanoma in the groin lymph nodes. He is a lead author and committee member for the new Cancer Council Australia Melanoma Guidelines. He has authored around 130 peer reviewed publications and co-authored 4 book chapters. He lectures and teaches junior doctors and students at the University of Sydney Northern Clinical School.
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